Monday, December 30, 2013

I will probably never see this ever again in my life...

Dia Tres

Medellin story # 1: Being thankful for...

At one of the highest vista points overlooking the the city of Medellin, I sat alone reflecting on the luxuries I am blessed with back home. And for luxury I mean, basic necessities like power, a sturdy roof and hot water. I thought about the moment I went to shower at my host's humble abode (but moderate indeed to the Colombia standard), and found a copper pipe penetrated through the wall with only one knob slight below it. I turned the knob and waited a few minutes for the the water to warm up until I realized that the homes in his neighborhood probably don't have boilers. I never asked my host if he had hot water; I am just grateful for running water alone.

Medellin story #2: I will probably never see this ever again in my life.

As I immersed in introspection on top of the valley, my silence was interrupted by rowdy laughter. I turned around and came running towards me were five unruly children with petty items in their hands (one had a belt and another with some sort of salvage metal). I thought this was it, the moment I was going to be robbed, and nothing makes a better bar story than being held up by children. As they approached me, I did what I always do on my endearing adventures off the beaten paths, I smiled, forcefully. I, then, started speaking to them and after discovering that I was American, they got very excited. The conversation then led to their favorite dance music, American celebrities, their age and other basic topics I remembered from my 2 years of Spanish class. They turned out to be a bunch of sweethearts.

Towards the end of encountering the cast of Lord of the Flies, from a distance galloping towards from the horizon was a white horse. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. It was like a scene from the movies: The rider was an olive-skinned lady with long dark hair bouncing in a pink miniskirt. It was like any man's fantasy, a female counterpart of Fabio, with her hair tossing in the air, approaching towards you. Only this movie is not a romance film but a comedy. As she came closer to speak to the kids who were all amused with the horse, I realized that I will never see such a sight ever again. The rider was a man. A transvestite on a horse.

I actually have a video of this wondrous moment, stay tune for the uploads and stories